Jan 3, 2021. PCDs. Mar 5, 2021. 2022 content sounds same as 2021, vlogs, hauls, home videos. I managed to birth both of my children with no issue and breastfeed, but I wouldn’t dream of doing this as it could really hurt another mother. And I'm only. I don’t want to hear any more about her TM years ago. Wanting to have it both ways just makes her look shady. Really sad, but also shows the life of an. Dr Martens Blaire Sandals. Leaked her own dirty movie but it just got shared through whatsapp . Oohthedrama. Mother Rose. Saturday at 4:56 AM. During the COVID-19 pandemic she faced a backlash over selling a £50 exfoliating glove and fake tan mitt set as primark sell very similar for £10 and her Chinese made products were 100% plastic despite regularly claiming to. Her bf couldn’t afford to isolate. Jan 18, 2021. In other words, a forum to slate influencers on. The code triggers an hourly cron job on users’ sites. Rebecca has said the trolling has been going on for 6-8 months and even addressed the issue in a YouTube video a while back on March 7th, 2019. So Emily is moving house… someone said somewhere that she has been with her boyfriend all along and the reason she moved near Rachaele is to be near him. Turns out it's a load of tongue-behind-teeth selfies, tagging businesses in screen shots of expensive clothes she wants, and the 'loftnq effect' reshares when follower begs tag her when they buy the wine she likes. . New vlog up! Guess what? Exactly the same as all the others. It's not unkind, Amy just can't cope with reality or a difference of opinion. Blakeney gives an awkward, polite smile but looks frustrated as she tries to type while being hassled by the pappara-zero shoving a camera in her face. This forum is supposedly a place for people to leave constructive criticism about people on social media and YouTube. Or Kiwi Farms. Interesting. They go after the disabled and chronically ill. Summer2011. I live with cancer since 2014 and had have ongoing chemo forever but I don’t be a lazy witch using it as an excuse for being a sloth. Feb 27, 2022. Instagram users including Lauren Harris told Sky News that the things written about her on the Tattle Life website caused her "terrible anxiety" and impacted. Tipping culture is completely out of control in the USA. 158K. Size (clothes): UK 6 . secret life. 4. Her attitude is vile. Very glam girl and comes across as nice. Nov 30, 2022. Go. VMD is like a Poundland version of Aimee. The older boys, Seb and Isaac, are Josh's from his previous marriage. skylark13; Jun 9, 2023; 45 46 47. Disgusting. deadgirlinside. Lydia Millen Gossip Forum. Feb 24, 2021. Last discussing Rebel Wilson coming out as gay and a sexual predator being mentioned by Katherine Ryan and Sarah Pascoe. Okay I know we’re not supposed to keep talking about other vloggers this thread, but was just watching Vic’s friend, CatherineKay’s newest Japan vlogs and she has -ed and replied to each and every comment on that. Look, we all used to be Guns N' Roses fans just like we all used to be Stone Temple Pilots fans. Looks like she'd still lying about her size. . Reactions: 5. When I say creepy, they're also stalking minors. rose. Had a look at goss. InTheFrow #11 Get out the attic, get a grip, book and pay for a trip. Something about giving your digestive system time to switch off and keeping your blood sugar low. The 34-year-old put on a loved-up display with her fiancé Dan Bingham while walking their dogs at the Newmillerdam Country Park in Wakefield, West Yorkshire on Friday. Aug 1, 2021. Used to model for Cathy Martin. Molly Jones is a small youtuber, who is in recovery from anorexia and used to make videos about her process of recovery, but has since branched out into other (mostly bookish) content and Deleted her older videos. . . ie this evening. OMG the comments have continued under the new trailer 44 minutes ago ‘I love the part when they gratefully acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of British people who took to the streets of Windsor to celebrate their wedding - with millions more hanging bunting, throwing parties and. The title says it all! Reactions: 6. Also, I cannot believe they didnt stay late at. She’s a proper beg isn’t she. She clearly wants a nice house and nothing wrong with that, but I guess it's to maybe keep up with the insta-crew, and the interiors content. When they had their baby boy they named him the simplest name they could think of - Tom. Luke seems so different to how he came across on LI, although I did wonder at the time since his IG feed was the most boring thing in the world - bathroom selfies and pictures of grey rooms. D. She did a post a long time ago where she shared her earnings - it varies massively but the most. Oct 18, 2021. She was always so desperate to get married, I honestly think he held off to see if his career would go anywhere, when it didn’t he decided he’s marry into “money” By that I mean let her and her business earn the wage. 1; 2; 3; First Prev 3 of 3 Go to page. - no NY Fashion Week for her, was too busy sitting at home and waiting for the boy to get a new tattoo. 2. 886. It’s the whole tagging companies begging them to send her free tit. Vicrose27 Aug 22, 2022 New to Tattle Life? Click "Order Thread by Most Liked Posts" button below to get an idea of what the site is about: Prev 1 2 3 4 5. 9. B4rney said: Rosie is a blogger called The Londoner. LOTS of rumours circling that she was Kate's best friend and the four of them all used to socialise together but in recent months Kate has frozen her out. Katherine Ryan. Rosie Londoner. They protect their own. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle. If she lost some weight off her face and wore minimal makeup she would look great and much younger than her years. Recently: - Vic changed her Insta handle, finally gave up manifesting the Front row - no NY Fashion Week for her, was too busy sitting at home and waiting for the boy to get a new tattoo - over at Lyd's she got applause for posting a half arsed post to acknowledge the now escalated invasion of Ukraine by Russia* _____*) one has to know, that she first posted a long ranty woe is me post about. 15 minutes ago. Very glam girl and comes across as nice. YouTube star and top Sheffield horse rider Jessica Rose Williams on living life with a purpose. Girl4gossip12. ny_style. Lydia Elise Millen-Gordon. AFlyOnYourWall said: Tattle rules state that their account must be public and be over 10k. Did an AD with Bentley, wanted to take the car home with her. She is disproportionately taking up time with their son and poor Rose gets shoved to the sideline. People who actually work hard dont need To prove a point. Haha cheeky bitch. The three girls, Betsy, Tallulah and Edie, are all Rachaele's from 2 previous relationships. Recently: - Vic changed her Insta handle, finally gave up manifesting the Front row. Replies. Yesterday at 10:10 PM. She goes through phases of removing the Instagram but a bit strange she’s done it in a pandemic. Went to Cornwall for a holiday (PR/free stay) and complained on IG that fish and chips costed her £50! I guess food and drink wasn't part of the freebie. Literally take everything jessica says with a huge pinch of salt. Ioan Gruffudd & Alice Evans #212 AE Flat Bork in Beverly Hills. Also Style Lobster- literally cannot stand her, had to unfollow. Traditional Celebs. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle. Size (clothes): UK 6 . Already an influencer before entering the villa, she quickly became a Fiat 500’s dream girl. From the about section on the blog. In 2016, she took part in Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls. Replies 238 Views 2142. Moderator. Jun 16, 2023. Victoria is boring! She films from her damn closet. Mrs Hinch #663 Sophie Rose, a chavvy tart. View most liked Beckham's posts on tattle Beckhams #7 Brooklyn might have married a Peltz, but the Beckham boys are still massive meltz Title courtesy of @LucyxxxxJess’ content is so dull at the moment- the same thing constantly. Demi Rose displays her incredible curves in an orange bikini. Rebecca Rose Stylist (Rebecca Quigley) Start date Jul 21, 2020; Tags Rebecca_rose_stylist Threads; New to Tattle Life? Click "Order Thread by Most Liked Posts" button below to get an idea of what the site is about:. Seems she spends more time complaining on TikTok/lives than actually making memories with them. Last time we went, we stayed at Bay Lake Tower, renting points from an agency, and it cost approx $350 per night (studio). His brother Haroon flew over to Dubai and they were seen partying with other women. 5. Any reason people watch but don't follow? Goldvoya. Either explain the situation and proceed with turning the renovation into content or just shut it. Get a life JRW - hanging around for a rich man is very 2000s, but I guess that's where you peaked in life. the thing is, the government arent telling people to isolate to cause hassle or for the fun of it, its for the benefit of people’s health and you would think Ruby whose mum is vulnerable due to health reasons would understand more than. She's definitely not real and genuine. She breastfeeds the baby. 9. Channon recently posted an 'I'm Sorry' video. (by that I mean me supporting the property bosses wife. Its all rehashed, basic, verbal diahorreah. Oohthedrama. View attachment 1902792. '. She also runs a beauty and lifestyle blog. Using constant shopping and spending money as a way of feeling better. Victoria Underwood (previously BethanyLeigh) is a YouTuber, instagrammer, tiktokker, and now only fans girl and podcaster. She's gone from 283 videos to (currently) 64. FashionMumblr is a blogger/vlogger from the UK. She seems to have her head screwed on and I'm guessing she has been in the property market for around 10 years. " Conor Ryan & Ellie Kelly #14 Found his Rose of Tralee but Aoife will flee and he'll crawl back to Ellie Are the sunbeds near cardboard by any chance cos I seen someone mention she’s from there. He just did that because he's aware of what we say and that we call him out on his bs. Views. Smoked until she was 20, and then stopped until about 18 months ago and she's trying to stop again now. Lots of racist, predominantly anti-Asian, but also anti-black, fat-phobic, homophobic, animal cruelty tweets were found on her Twitter from when she was late teens - early twenties - the most recent being in 2015. Photoshops a fuck ton. . Anything,” she told me. Its so boring i liked rosie too but now she has become one. And going from her recent haul video she seems to think ‘Comfort’ is the actual name for fabric softener (it was actually Lenor she was shilling showing) and not just a brand name. Absolutely fake and an imitation of others. I set this thread up and said that at the start in the hope everyone would follow the rules so we could finally have a thread to discuss all the NI huns in one place. Oct 30, 2019. Kate really needs to smell the Joffreys and tell Victoria enough is enough. Was she given that because she's so famous and was recognised. Sep 24, 2020. Order Thread by Most Liked Posts. Someone mentioned it being cheaper in the north- there’s a lot of places in the north where you would NOT be able to pick up a listed, detached house with four bedrooms, a garden, a drive, a garage and an. It wasn't long ago she was slagging these mummy vloggers off. Jul 5, 2021. It was thousands. Dr Neo explains that, when someone starts to reply to you on these forums, your brain releases a hit of the 'happy hormone' dopamine [as with when you get a flurry of hearts on your IG sunset pic. Girls supporting girls and all that. May 17, 2020. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle. Lydia Elise Millen is a blogger that lives in Northamptonshire and is married to Ali Gorden. Apparently, she just can’t figure. Father of daughters #59 The brightest, most intelligent, strongest boy there has ever been. I thought the entire point of a capsule wardrobe was not to have to think and worry about clothes. Aug 5, 2022. . Amanda de Cadenet, 51, looks age-defying in a black lace jumpsuit as she attends Victoria's Secret The Tour 2023 in New York City The presenter, 51, stunned in black laceI've enjoyed reading these threads on the primrose hill lot from the 90's early 2000's. The amount of no limit shopping sprees is ridiculous for her age. blu89. There’s speculation that they’ve now split. I know. 1. Aug 25, 2023. Soflora; Jul 11, 2020; 8 9 10. EDIT: Tbh, the increase in ads is probably likely to be maternity-related. Views. Jess is very doom and gloom. She had a house on social welfare nothing wrong with that , but the way she went on that she was better than everyone . Thinks she’s god gifts and as a fellow Geordie if I have to listen to her stupid crappy song she sings in a fake Geordie accent with over the top geordie colloquialism I’m gonna lose my tit. There was an Instagram about two years ago and she’d apparently got someone in Dubai to pay for all her body plastic surgery. Emma Rose Thatcher/EmmaRoseStyle Start date Jan 26, 2023; New to Tattle Life? Click "Order Thread by Most Liked Posts" button below to get an idea of what the site is about: 1; 2; 3;. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and. That is nice news about Rose Leslie. PiesAndLattes. Tattle users blast Mrs Meldrum. Colorofleaves said: I’ve followed Kiera for a while and wasn’t sure what to expect from her when she became a mummy. May 19, 2023. Quietly, without mainstream recognition, Tattle has. "If she 'dated' him during this period, Buck was discreet enough that none of us was aware. All this change, name change, minimalism, clothing, lifestyle, nose etc and she's still not happy. Replies 187 Views 1683. “But on Tattle Life I seem to rile up much older women. ”. They don’t airlift you for a simple nip, it must have been pretty bad. DirtyLaundry. As you were. Title Credit: @Nellie Pledge Context: Her Majesty, Dirty Feet Josie, ordered a 12 foot Christmas tree that is likely too tall for her ceilings.